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How to Clean a Cricut Mat? &  Make it Sticky Again
24 December, 2021

How to Clean a Cricut Mat? & Make it Sticky Again

To clean a cutting mat, you will need a few simple supplies:

1-) Gather warm water, a soft cloth or sponge, mild dish soap, and a scraper or old credit card.

2-) Wet the sponge or cloth with warm water and a little dish soap. Gently wipe the surface of the mat to remove any dirt or debris. Rinse the mat thoroughly with water to remove any soap residue.

3-) Before using it again, let it air dry entirely.

Use the scraper or old credit card to remove any stubborn bits of material stuck to the mat. It’s essential to clean your cutting mat regularly to keep it in good condition and ensure that it provides an accurate cutting surface for your projects.

Keeping Cricut mats clean is crucial for better cutting results. Various methods, such as using baby wipes, dish detergent, and Windex, can be employed to maintain the cleanliness of your Cricut mats, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of your cutting projects.

If you often use your Cricut, you need to clean its cutting mat. This cleaning cutting mat will not only help you prolong your machine’s lifetime but also improve the quality of the cuts. Thus, we wanted to prepare this guide to teach you how to clean a cutting mat.

All cutting machines operate in the same way. Please keep it clean, mat!

Why Should You Clean Your Cutting Mat?

It’s essential to clean your cutting mat regularly to avoid the consequences of dirty cutting mats, which can significantly impact your crafting projects:

1-) Dirty Cricut cutting mats can harbor bacteria and other germs, which can be harmful if you use the mat to cut food items.

2-) Dirty Cricut cutting mats can also affect the accuracy of your cuts, as debris and other substances on the mat can interfere with the cutting blade. Over time, debris and other substances can build up on the surface of the mat, which can cause it to become damaged or worn. By cleaning your mat regularly, you can help to prevent this from happening and ensure that it provides a reliable and accurate cutting surface for your projects.

3-) Cleaning your cutting mat regularly will help to extend its life and keep it in good condition.

In addition, the mat will be exposed to different materials as you keep using your Cricut or other cutting machines. As a result, they will not be sticky enough to hold your materials. So this will significantly improve the cut results in your devices.

If you neglect to clean your cutting mat, it will affect your results and be more challenging to clean in the future. One thing you can prefer is replacing your cleaning mat. Why should you spend extra money when you can clean it in a few minutes?

How to Clean a Cricut Cutting Mat?

You will need a few simple supplies to clean a Cricut cutting mat. First, gather warm water, soft cloth or sponge, mild dish soap, and a scraper or old credit card. To begin, wet the sponge or cloth with warm water and a little dish soap. Gently wipe the surface of the mat to remove any dirt or debris. Use the scraper or credit card to remove any stubborn bits of material stuck to the mat. Rinse the mat thoroughly with water to remove any soap residue. After rinsing, gently pat the mat dry with a paper towel to remove excess water. Allow it to air dry thoroughly before reusing it.

We recommend waiting for at least a few hours before using your mats after you clean them.

How do I know when it's time to give my Cricut cutting mat a clean sweep?

Keep an eye out for signs like diminished stickiness, crucial for keeping vinyl firmly in place during cuts. Additionally, if you notice any stubborn residue or pesky lint from previous projects, it's a clear indicator that your mat is due for some TLC.

What should I clean my Cricut mats with?

For cleaning your Cricut mats, it's best to use a lint roller or a damp cloth with mild soap and water. Gently wipe the surface of the mat to remove any debris or residue. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the adhesive on the mat. Allow the mat to air dry completely before using it again. Regular cleaning helps maintain the stickiness of the mat for optimal cutting performance.

What is the best way to clean Cricut mats?

You should wash the mat gently without damaging the adhesive on the mat with a wiper. You must opt for an alcohol-free baby wipe. To wipe the mat gently, simply wipe the mat gently. Generally, when mats get dirty it can take 2 to 3 wipes.

How to clean Cricut mats with Windex?

We don't recommend using Windex or other similar glass cleaners for cleaning Cricut mats. These cleaners may contain chemicals such as ammonia that can damage the adhesive surface of the mat, causing it to lose its stickiness and affecting its performance. It's best to stick to gentler cleaning methods, such as using a lint roller or a damp cloth with mild soap and water, to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your Cricut mats. Instead, you use the above methods.

Can I clean my Cricut mat with Dawn?

While using Dawn dish soap diluted in water is generally safe for cleaning many surfaces, it's also recommended for cleaning Cricut mats. The adhesive surface of Cricut mats is sensitive, and using soap or detergents, even mild ones like Dawn, you should be done gently! Otherwise, it can potentially affect its stickiness and performance.

It's best to stick to gentler cleaning methods, such as using a lint roller or a damp cloth with water, to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your Cricut mats.

Please be aware: Do not clean the pink mat in this way. You should only use a lint roller and tweezers on this pink cricut mat. You can find lint roller on Dollar Tree.

Can you clean the Cricut mat with Dawn?

Yes, you can clean your Cricut mat with Dawn dish soap, but it's important to do so gently. Dawn dish soap can effectively remove debris and residue from the mat's surface. Here's a gentle method to clean your Cricut mat with Dawn:

  1. Apply a small amount of Dawn dish soap to the mat's surface.

  2. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the soap to penetrate and loosen any debris.

  3. Gently rub the soap over the mat using your fingertips or a soft cloth.

  4. Rinse the mat thoroughly under warm running water, ensuring all soap residue is removed.

  5. Pat the mat dry with a clean towel and allow it to mat air dry completely before using it again.

By cleaning your Cricut mat with Dawn dish soap in this gentle manner, you can effectively maintain its stickiness and prolong its lifespan for mats sticky.

How to clean a cricut mat with Dawn dish soap?

Begin by generously applying a dollop of Dawn onto the mat surface, allowing it to settle and work its wonders for 3-5 minutes.

Next, delicately massage the Dawn over the mat, under the comforting flow of warm running water. Gently coax away any stubborn debris with your fingertips, opting for the gentle touch of a paper towel if needed.

As you rinse, resist the temptation to employ sponges or abrasive materials, preserving the mat's adhesive integrity. Finally, lovingly pat dry with a fresh paper towel, ensuring every last drop of moisture is whisked away, leaving your mat refreshed and ready for its next crafting masterpiece.

Can you use baby wipes to clean the Cricut mat?

Yes, you can use baby wipes to clean your Cricut mat. Baby wipes are gentle and convenient for removing dust, debris, and small particles from the surface of the mat. However, ensure that the baby wipes you use do not contain moisturizing agents or fragrances, as these additives may leave residue on the mat's surface.

After cleaning with baby wipes, it's a good practice to allow the mat to air dry completely before using it again.

Can I use rubbing alcohol to clean my Cricut mat?

Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol to clean your Cricut mat. Rubbing alcohol is an effective solvent for removing residue, oils, and other debris from the mat's surface without damaging the adhesive. Here's how you can clean your Cricut mat with rubbing alcohol:

  1. Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a lint-free cloth or paper towel.

  2. Gently rub the alcohol-soaked cloth over the surface of the mat, focusing on areas with stubborn residue or buildup.

  3. Allow the rubbing alcohol to evaporate completely from the mat before using it again.

Using rubbing alcohol can help restore the tackiness of your Cricut mat and ensure optimal cutting performance. However, it's essential to avoid using excessive amounts of rubbing alcohol, as this can potentially degrade the adhesive over time. Additionally, always test a small, inconspicuous area of the mat first to ensure compatibility and avoid any adverse effects.

Can you clean a Cricut mat with rubbing alcohol?

Yes, you can we mentioned the previous question. Remove the sticky surface using rubbing alcohol and stickiness remover. If you'd like to have a new adhesion on mats, you can simply remove the layer whose stickiness has deteriorated. You can remove the surface of your face and coat it up with rubbing alcohol or an adhesive remover.

How do I get the sticky back on my Cricut mat?

There are two main approaches to reviving the stickiness of your Cricut mat: cleaning method and re-adhesion.


  1. Prep work: Use the Cricut scraper tool to remove any large debris from the mat. Then, use a lint roller to pick up smaller particles like glitter or fuzz.

  2. Cleaning with wipes: Gently wipe the entire mat surface in a circular motion with baby wipes. Avoid scratching the adhesive. Let the mat air dry completely before using it again.

  3. Deeper cleaning: For a more thorough clean, you can use lukewarm water and a plastic scraper, hard-bristled brush. Gently scrub the mat in a circular motion, then pat it dry with a paper towel. Let it air dry completely before using it.

Re-adhesion (not recommended by Cricut):

Important note: Cricut doesn't recommend re-adhesion methods as they might damage the mat or dull the blades. If cleaning doesn't restore the tackiness, consider replacing the mat. However, if you decide to try re-adhesion at your own risk, here's one method:

  1. Mask the edges: Use blue painter's tape (masking tape) to cover the outer rim of the mat, creating a barrier to prevent overspray from sticking to unwanted areas.

  2. Apply adhesive spray: Choose a repositionable adhesive spray like Aleene's Fast Grab Tacky Spray. Lightly and evenly coat the mat surface.

  3. Drying: Let the adhesive dry completely following the product instructions.

Remember, cleaning is the safer option recommended by Cricut. Choose the method that best suits your comfort level and situation.

What is the best glue to Restick a Cricut mat?

There isn't a single "best" glue for resticking a Cricut mat, and it's important to know that Cricut itself doesn't recommend re-adhesion methods due to performance and mat damage. Instead, you can clean the may or replace the old one. However, A Cricut mat can be re-used by using a Zig 2-way glue pen with a wide tip or a removable piece of tape. (At your own risk) It must have a large area that covers your mat edges. It's your own risk.

What adhesive can I use to make my Cricut mat sticky again?

While we can't recommend a specific glue for re-sticking your Cricut mat since Cricut doesn't recommend it, here are some options some crafters use (at your own risk):

Repositionable Spray Adhesives:

  • Pros: Designed for temporary bonds, potentially easier to manage.

  • Examples: Aleene's Tack-It Over & Over, Krylon Easy Tack.

  • Cons: Might not create a strong enough hold for intricate cuts, and may affect Cricut blade performance.

Double-Sided Tape Sheets:

  • Pros: More targeted applications for specific project areas.

  • Cons: Not ideal for covering the entire mat, may not be as strong as the original adhesive.

Why is my Cricut mat not sticking?

There are a couple of reasons why your Cricut mat might not be sticking as well as it used to:

Dirty Mat: Over time, your Cricut mat can accumulate debris from materials you've cut, like paper scraps, glitter, or fabric fuzz. You can clean the mat regularly to prevent it.

Worn-Out Mat: Cricut mats are designed to last a long time, but with frequent use, the adhesive naturally loses its strength. You can replace it with a new mat.

What can I use to clean my Cricut mat?

There are a couple of safe and effective methods for cleaning your Cricut mat.

Baby wipes: This is a quick and easy way to remove dust, debris, and leftover material scraps from your mat. Simply wipe the surface in a circular motion until clean.

Lint roller: Use a lint roller to pick up any glitter, fuzz, or small paper pieces that might be stuck on the mat.

Deeper Cleaning for Built-Up Residue:

Warm water and dish soap: This is a great option for a more thorough clean. Here's how to do it:

Prep: Use your Cricut scraper tool to remove any large pieces of debris.

Warm water: Run warm water over the mat to loosen any stuck-on material.

Dish soap: Add a few drops of mild dish soap (avoid harsh chemicals or hand soaps with moisturizers) to the water.

Scrub gently: Use a non-abrasive sponge or dishcloth to gently scrub the mat in a circular motion. Avoid using anything sharp or rough that could damage the entire surface.

Rinse: Rinse the mat thoroughly with clean water to remove all soap residue.

Dry completely: Let the mat air dry completely before storing it. Never put a wet mat in your Cricut machine.

How to restore a cutting mat?

To restore a cutting mat, clean it! For craft mats, use baby wipes or warm soapy water (avoid harsh chemicals). For general mats, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Clean mats regain grip and self-healing properties (for craft mats). Re-adhesion (craft mats) is risky, and not recommended by Cricut. Store mats flat and covered, use the right mat for the job and cut carefully to prolong their lifespan.

How to clean the Cricut mat with baby wipes?

It is also not recommended to use a clean Cricut cutting mat with baby wipes or any other household cleaning product containing alcohol or other harsh chemicals. Instead, opt for alcohol-free baby wipes, which are an effective and gentle alternative for cleaning your Cricut mats. Gently wipe the surface in circular motions with an alcohol-free baby wipe to remove debris and residue without damaging the adhesive. This method not only cleans the mat thoroughly but also helps to restore its stickiness. If alcohol-free baby wipes are not available, a baby wipe with a gentle cleaner or a paper towel with soapy water can be used as alternatives, ensuring you wipe in circular motions and allow the mat to air dry. These chemicals can damage the surface of the cutting mat and may cause it to become less sticky, which can affect the accuracy of your cuts.

How to make the Cricut mat sticky again?

To make a Cricut cutting mat sticky again, you can try one of the following methods:

Maintaining a sticky cutting mat is crucial for successful cuts with your Cricut machine. Proper care, including cleaning and reapplication of adhesive, ensures optimal performance and longevity of your mat.

1- Clean the mat with water(warm) and mild dish soap, using a soft cloth or sponge and a scraper or old credit card to remove any dirt or debris. Before using the mat again, fully rinse it with water and let it air dry completely.

2- Apply a new layer of adhesive to the mat’s surface using a Cricut mat renewing spray or another type of adhesive spray designed for use with cutting mats. Follow the instructions on the product label carefully, and allow the mat to dry completely before using it again.

3- If your Cricut cutting mat is no longer sticky and cannot be cleaned or renewed, it may be time to replace it. Cricut cutting mats are consumable items and will eventually wear out with use. Replacing your cutting mat regularly can help to ensure that you always have a clean, sticky surface for your projects.

What adhesives can I use to restick my Cricut Cutting Mats?

There are several types of adhesive that you can use to make your Cricut cutting mat sticky again. One option is to use a Cricut mat renewing spray specifically designed with Cricut cutting mats. Another option is to use a repositionable adhesive spray, such as Repositionable Mounting Spray or Repositionable Adhesive. Among these, spray adhesive is a preferred method for resticking Cricut mats, as it provides a uniform coat and strong adhesion when applied according to the product's instructions, ensuring specific areas are covered properly to maintain the machine's functionality. These products are similar to the adhesive used on Cricut cutting mats and can help restore the mat’s stickiness. Follow the instructions on the product label carefully, and allow the mat to dry completely before using it again.

While doing these things, please be careful. Besides, try to clean mats regularly for the life of your mat ( Clean Cricut mats) outside of craft room. Overall recommend cleaning mats with baby wipes.

Thanks a lot for reading our blog post, hope you will get what you need! For more tips about a cutting machine, follow us.


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